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Life of a Newcomer

To make something new you have to scrap the old

In any field the word "Newcomers" means a baggage which comes with a friend called "Struggle". But we tend to forget that each person who is successful in any industry once cross this path of being a newcomer. Also with the baggage of struggle it brings another thing and that is to change the perception of their aspiring job, In my case the film Industry.

But we always forget the fact that we are not the first to think that, all of our seniors thought the same some of them get the success some of them failed but all of them once tried to change the Industry.

Also Newcomers have a tendency to be reckless, yes thats good, good to be reckless because that makes them take any path to get the success and I believe that how you should take your life. But as "Peter Parker" said ' with great powers comes great responsibility'. We newcomers in our run towards success we forget the responsibility we hold to keep the success and not let it go in our heads. May be thats why we always carry this baggage of Struggle, because we just cant keep it still for long. Now is that bad or good? I will write about it on my next "Life of a Newcomer chapter 2" through my journey

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